Better Than a PB&J

peanut butter, banana, and jelly panini (PBB&J)

Many children dread this Monday morning. Classes begin again, and the school bus will shuttle them off to memorize more multiplication tables and write big book reports. The recess bell sounds too quickly, the lunch break ends too soon, and the drive back home drags on and on.


But they aren’t alone.  


Teachers, principals, and professors often feel the same way. Their alarms buzz before the sun rises, the frost fails to melt off of their windshields before their morning commute, and their feet ache after hours of writing on the white board.


peanut butter, banana, and jelly panini (PBB&J)


And then there’s the sack lunch. Everyone dislikes the warm milk, bruised apple, and soggy sandwich in their book bags and briefcases. So liven up the old-school PB&J with a hot panini press and an extra healthy ingredient!


peanut butter, banana, and jelly panini (PBB&J)


PBB&J Panini

serves 2

Be sure to serve immediately while they’re still hot and crispy! Substitute your favorite jam or jelly if you prefer.

4 slices of wheat bread

2 tsp peanut butter

2 tsp raspberry jam

1 banana

  1. Preheat a Panini press.
  2. On one slices of bread, spread 1 teaspoon of peanut butter. On another slice of bread, spread 1 teaspoon of jam. Repeat with the remaining bread and condiments.
  3. Slice the banana into ¼” rounds. Evenly distribute between the two slices of bread with peanut butter. Top with the remaining bread, jam-side down. Place on the Panini press and gently lower the top. Grill for 3-5 min or until the bread turns golden brown.


peanut butter, banana, and jelly panini (PBB&J)


January 6, 2013. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , . Midweek Meals.


  1. paprik4te replied:

    I was back to school last Thursday and no one made me one of these! 😉
    They look great!! I might have to try this with our cafeteria’s panini machine!

    • foods for the soul replied:

      Your cafeteria has a panini grill?? SO jealous! My schools never did… So I had to buy my own, but it’s been a great investment!

      • paprik4te replied:

        It does! I definitely think I am going to be purchasing one when I (finally) live off campus. Yesterday I made a cheese, veggie and hummus wrap and it was so melty and delicious. yum!

      • foods for the soul replied:

        That sounds delicious! What about cheese, veggies, and pesto (if your school has pesto)? I’ve wanted to try making a panini with BBQ sauce for a while too; I just haven’t gotten around to it. It’d be hard to starve after you moved off-campus if you bought a panini press!! ;]

  2. mawarre replied:

    We are still in the middle of our long summer holiday where I live, but I’ll keep this one in mind for when my kids head back ttto school at the end of January.

    • foods for the soul replied:

      I wish my holiday was longer! (At least another week, maybe?) I hope your kids enjoy the sandwiches, and I hope you and your children enjoy the rest of the time off from work and school too!

  3. jgann22 replied:

    My daughter would love these for luch ! Thanks for sharing !

    • foods for the soul replied:

      My pleasure! It’s funny, I was never a huge fan of PB&J when I was a child… I just wanted PB between bread and nothing else! But the jam does add a hint of sweet fruity flavor that goes really well with the banana and PB. I hope your daughter enjoys it as much as I did!

      • jgann22 replied:

        She is the same way. She nly likes t spread a little bit f jelly n their. Mstly pb. I will let yu knw hw it ges. She is such a picky eater !

      • foods for the soul replied:

        I put a micro-thin layer of jam on this PBB&J panini, so hopefully she’ll barely notice! (Other than the bright red color I suppose…) I can’t wait to hear what she thinks!!

      • jgann22 replied:

        Me either. I’m thinking she can have this tuesday 🙂

      • foods for the soul replied:

        Sounds like a great plan!

  4. Liz replied:


    • foods for the soul replied:

      Thanks! And it was! ;] But a natural sweetness from the banana, so it didn’t taste too unhealthy.

  5. Brittany replied:

    This looks SO good. I love panini’s and this just tops it with the PB&J!

    • foods for the soul replied:

      Thanks! I’ve loved reading about your PB&Js, and since you’re definitely a connoisseur of that sandwich, your comment means a lot! :]

  6. thebergermeister replied:

    Looks delicious. I would make mine with almond butter since i can’t do peanuts 🙂

    • foods for the soul replied:

      That sounds just as tasty! I want to try Nutella too; can you eat hazelnuts?

      • thebergermeister replied:

        Yes I can definitely do hazelnuts but no milk 😦 Nutella is my downfall.. I am not allowed to even have a spoonful or I will eat until I fall over sick 🙂 Definitely would recommend trying it with nutella though!

      • foods for the soul replied:

        I’ve seen lots of vegan Nutella recipes floating around lately; since they don’t drink regular milk, maybe that’s something worth trying for you!

  7. Caitlin replied:

    how extravagant! peanut butter and jelly has always been my favorite sandwich. would love to try it as a panini!

    • foods for the soul replied:

      I hope you enjoy it! The soft banana contrasted really well with the toasted bread, and the PB made everything 100x better. I want to eat one at nearly every meal now, but I’m almost out of bananas! (Time for grocery shopping!)

  8. BekAtCrave replied:

    How could this combination NOT work!

    • foods for the soul replied:

      That’s what I thought! The flavors, the textures, the colors… It’s one of my favorite paninis yet!

  9. Aarthi replied:

    I just LOVE a panini press. I have been thinking of getting myself one, for a few months now. Maybe I should just go ahead and buy it!! The pics of the pbj look great 🙂

    • foods for the soul replied:

      It’s worth it!! I went through a phase where I used mine nearly every day. It livened up my usual sandwiches, so I felt like I was dining out at restaurants without ever leaving my home (or spending the money)!

  10. lisa fine replied:

    Yum! Love the idea of putting a PB&B sandwich in a panini press. I’ve heard they’re really good cooked like a grilled cheese sandwich too.

    • foods for the soul replied:

      I like your grilled cheese idea! There’s something about toasting the bread that makes a PB&J even better than the original.

  11. meeramadhavan (Stovetops&Stilettos) replied:

    Love the kid-friendly recipe! 🙂

    • foods for the soul replied:

      Thanks! (It’s definitely adult-friendly too… I now make them multiple times each week!)

  12. Peanut Butter at a Dinner Party « Foods for the Soul replied:

    […] all of that thinking triggered my appetite, and my thoughts turned to my PBB&J panini lunch. Mmm, peanut butter… Hey, peanut butter is kid-friendly. So are noodles. What if I put PB […]

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